Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Amok by Barry Eisler

This is the first Barry Eisler book that I have read. The publicity of his first book many moons ago introduced his books to me, but I never got around to buying them.  (John Rain books.)

AMOK is a stand-alone novel involving an ex-military man pulled into helping the CIA. He'll get 5 grand a week, and they will keep his abusive father in prison. But Dox doesn't think his old man should stay in prison. His father's parole is coming up and he's in two minds about it. The family wants him to side with them and requests he stays in prison.

He accepts the job, or else there is no book. 

Next, we meet Felix, Joko, and the lovely and single-minded Isabel.  She has tapes to get to America. She wants to expose what happens when the cameras have stopped rolling. 

This book is set in 1991. Eisler mixes fiction with real events with expert ease. 

It's a good story and fast-paced. There's even a love story, but the timeline is too short for the book's deep "I love you" part. 

The characters acted as I would expect them to. The meat of the book is to expose a hidden war raging in Timor for the last 16 years. 

The face-off between Dox and Joko seemed too fast after the build-up. But Joko ultimately won. 

All up, this is a brilliant book. The story is a cracker 👏 and it's well worth a few notes of your hard-earned cash. 

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