Saturday, 26 November 2022

Billy Summers by Stephen King

The blurb reads: You won’t put this story down, and you won’t forget Billy. 

Who? LOL. There are many people who love this book. It got several awards. Well done. I didn't like it. Apart from Trump Derangement Syndrome is in full effect BUT there is a character that thinks Trump's job performance was good. It's like King tried to even out his political leanings as fans are dropping off. 

That's not why I consider deeply whether I should hand over hard-earned cash for a book as his stuff since The Dream Catcher has been going downhill. His writing is still excellent. Reading his books is a lesson in writing. But the content is boring as fuck. As is this book. Yes, the last few chapters were excellent and the opening held my interest. The rest didn't. This could easily have been a much smaller book. The tangents we read through...didn't seem to have much point apart to fill the pages. The character was fleshed out. I could picture Billy, I've lived a few years in 'Hicksville', and small towns. I live in one now, even though I live in Japan. 

The book did have its moments. It is a King novel. In my opinion, not enough. 

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Elfor One (Book 3 of The Code Series) by R. R. Haywood

R.R. Haywood hits this one out of the park. It's mostly action and the rise up of the oppressed. We learn some more things about The Six (a secret organization once called the Illuminati), they are the only ones still around. They have controlled everything for the last 120 years--everything (finance, raw materials, construction, clothing, food, water), but since learning about the code, and the path to a new planet, they are hellbent on stopping anyone from learning about the new planet. They fear a loss of revenue. 

Captain Helga and the Elfors form a large army. 

People start dying. 
The quiet man is an accomplished killer. 
Elfors are blamed again by the mainstream media. Even in the future, no one trusts them as information is twisted in the way the six want it to be. 

Wow! What a fucking kicker of a book.

I loved the cruiser scene where Abdul decides to use a shuttle and try to block or slow down the arrival of the Feds. (I shall say no more, so you can enjoy it.)
Oh, and the attempted wank scene. ROTFLMAO. 

The bad: Part two of this book. What the fuck was the point of that massive section. It should have been cut out, and Chang's rescue could have been done another way. 

Also, Sam (our hacker hero) is in his early late 20s to early 30s. His Elfor nickname is Pretty Boy. In books 1 - 3, he is treated as a young kid. Not sure why. I've known people who speak like this (in real life), but it dwindled off as I got older (past 15).   

The good: Everything else. 

Get this book, skip part two and plow into the conclusion. Actually, as there are a few good jokes based on part two, you should probably read it to save confusion. 

I couldn't give this book 5 stars for the filler section of part two.

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