Tuesday 2 November 2021

Survivor Song by Paul Tremblay

Audiobook version. 

Tremblay's first book, A head full of ghosts, was not my cup of tea. I wasn't scared, I was bored and I sold that paperback to a second hand bookstore and bought: The kind worth Killing by Peter Swanson (review later). 

However, Survivor Song interested me enough to buy a copy and listen/read it. 

The book starts off with a bang and barely lets up. We are plunged into the world of Natalie worried about her husband who has gone shopping, three hours prior. She is eight months pregnant and a virus has broken out. A rabies virus. 

After an incident at her home, Natalie rushes off to her friend, Ramola (previously a pediatric). The main basis of this story is to get Natalie to a hospital for a C-Section to remove the baby a few week earlier. Stuff happens that forces them to an abandoned farm house. 

The best characters in this story are the two BMX riding hoodlums. They were awesome. Especially their final scene in the book. I like how Tremblay stayed with them for a time after they left Natalie and Ramola. Apparently, they appeared in another of Tremblay's books. 

All up, this is an excellent read/listen and recommended BUT (there's usually a but) this book doesn't seem to hold the tension of what's going to happen next. It was easy to not continue but I did and I'm kind of glad I did. 

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