Sunday, 25 April 2021

The Catch -- T.M. Logan

Another brilliant thriller from Mr. Logan. Constant readers know I haven't enjoyed a few of his books, but this one is fast paced and each step seems logical. Except one part in the Moors between father and son-in-law that I didn't get.

Ryan loves Abby. Abby loves Ryan. Mum Claire loves Ryan. Nana loves Ryan. Dad doesn't love Ryan. There's something off about the guy. Forget the perfect smile, the perfect car, perfect job, perfect personality, thoughtfulness. 

Later that evening, Ryan asks Ed for Abby's hand in marriage--as a courtesy. They have only dated seven months and Ed knows nothing about Ryan. So, he sets out to discover the truth about the man. 

This causes a rift between him and his daughter, then his wife. But the deeper he goes, the more there is. But as a regular person, he needs professional help and hires a private investigator. 

This is a great read. 

There are a few things. I understand the PI involvement. Crucial information (especially at the end) would have been impossible for a regular guy to uncover. 

The set up went well. Everything was placed perfectly. The story moved at a fast pace and I would recommend this book to thriller lovers.   



Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Blood Men by Paul Cleave

This is the first Paul Cleave novel I've dived into. It was a very decent tale. The story is about Edward who decides to stand up to bank robbers. This sets off a chain of events leading to a lot of death and heartbreak. Add to the mix a past with a serial killer (his father), the paranoia he felt growing up believing everyone was waiting for him to start killing--like father, like son. 

Applying for a bank loan, is easy-peasy. Getting approved is another matter, though Edward and his wife are confident until six bank robbers change everything. In a heated moment, Edward stands up and offers himself as a hostage in exchange for the young bank teller. The man releases her and grabs Edward's wife. 

Making a getaway, the robber shots his wife. Now, he wants the men to pay. Vengeance is the only thing he can think about. His father calls him and offers a solid lead. But, he has a little girl that needs her papa. 

This book has all the trappings of a great thriller read. The victim, the cop, the dark history, a man who thinks his city has gone to hell. It also has a few great twists. One where I said, "No way." Awe not shock. There wasn't any hint leading to this, no little clues hidden anywhere that I noticed. One twist was obvious. Many were not. And the ending took a few rewinds on the audiobook. I wasn't impressed with that scene in the slaughterhouse. It was not clear. Plus only a few hours had passed, so I was confused. 

Apart from that. The book was great. 

One point. I think narration is very important. Paul Ansdell did a good job and he has quite a narration history, however, I didn't like the voice of this audio. It just didn't suit me, as a listener. 

I will get more Paul Cleave books at a later date. 



Saturday, 3 April 2021

Trust Me by T. M. Logan

Finally, Mr. Logan appears to be back on form. Regular readers of this blog, will know that I started out on T. M. Logan's second book, '29 Seconds" and loved it. Naturally, I bought his first book, 'Lies' and it sucked. It was a hard book to follow and I never finished it. Then came The Vacation, which I also didn't like. The Catch is next on my list.  

I always give new writers a chance and I'm glad I have this policy as Trust Me, is brilliant. It has It's pros and cons like all books. Basically, the story is about Ellen, a woman on a train, who is asked to hold on to a baby, so the mother can make a phone call. A few minutes later, she see the mother exiting the train platform as the train pulls away. Leaving her with a baby. 

She gets off at the next station, looking for the mother in case she somehow managed to get back on the train. There are a lot of blocks that stop her from doing the right thing. She decides to look away the baby for a while longer. She needs a feed. Then, she can take the baby to the police. 

Ellen get's kidnapped. 

The baby's in danger. 

Who can she trust? 

Not the father, not the police, not the Ghost--a murderer who has resurfaced. 

This book has everything a thriller needs to have. Several WTF moments, red herrings and a clueless Ellen, who must put all the pieces of the puzzle together, finally bringing her face to face with The Ghost. 

The only issue I had was the constant worrying about every facet of the baby, Mia. 

Drove me mad.

All in all, a great book.  




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