Sunday 27 September 2020

The Horror Zines Book of Ghost Stories.

The Horror Zine's Book of Ghost Stories

Hellbound Books
257 pages
Format: Kindle Edition

I received a copy of this novel in exchange for a review. 

This is a collection of short stories from greats like: Bentley Little, Graham Masterton & Dawn Harris, Joe R. Lansdale, Elizabeth Massie, Tim Waggoner, Kitty Kane, Sebastian Crow, Maureen O'Leary, Jeff Parsons and many, many more. Let me add: Nicholas Pascall, Derek Austin Johnson, Christian A. Larsen. 

Starts off with a bang in a short poem by D. J. Tyrer about a haunted house. 

I don't jump around in collections and read my favs first. I like to find new favorites, so I read from start to end. Let's call it OCD.

The opening story is fun, but not scary. The tension was missing. It is horror, but lacked punch. The next story really makes up for it. It's a real kicker. A ouiji board and a dark spirit. 

A haunted house is next on the list, followed by a questionable story by Bentley Little. This tale had a good build up, great action, smooth writing. The mechanics of writing are all there. But the ending ruined it for me. 

For this reviewer, many stories were fun, a few (5) were brilliant and some were lacking. All collections are like this. I'm not going to name any titles or the reasons I noted for not meshing with me. 

Here's a run-down of what you'll find in this fine collection: 

Harry Houdini debunks spiritualists then he meets Dorothy / A funeral for the dead / A gift from an unknown uncle with a cryptic message /  A haunted school / A murderer hears the voices of his victims / an abused wife on the run finds an abandoned farm (what could possibly go wrong especially when the truth comes out) / A battle with rats / Ghost Hunters / Haunted Hotels and Houses / Acceptance of death and Cutting Mustard. 

Top picks: 

Warm - Nicholas Pascall

Proof of Afterlife - Derek Austin Johnson

Filling Station - Joe R. Lansdale

Cutting the Mustard - Graham Masterton & Dawn Harris 

Something to Nibble On - Christian A. Larsen


Monday 21 September 2020

Hidden Paths Phillip Jackson

 Walking the path of history

Walking Historical Kyoto Omnibus Edition. 

If you are looking for a book with walking/hiking maps filled with backstory history and photos to boot, then look no further, Mr. Jackson has filled the requirement. 

I've lived in Japan a total of 18 years and I've been to Kyoto so many times, I've lost count. But I NEVER knew of these paths.

A lot of history I did not know fills this book. If you visit Kyoto, bring this book with you. A lot of the buildings still stand and seeing them with the history background notes, makes it feel like you know them—you can feel or sense the aura. 

Also, Mr. Jackson gives directions of how to get to these walks.

Screaming Metal by Made in DNA

 "Fool! I refuse to wait any longer! Raise me!" And from here the action kicks off.

Made in DNA wrote this book via Twitter, tweet by tweet. So, each paragraph is 25 words or less.
The story starts off with the ending of a massive battle and barely lets up from there. It revolves around a three crew team of "bounty" hunters. They search and track down Metals. Finding one is a big payday. However, until now, no human had ever found or interacted with an operational Metal.

Nothing is ever easy and as the captain, Priyanka, and her team of Deshel and Suen (surely a psychopath), quickly realize the colony of "Shake Hands" blames them for acts of terrorism when a warship catches fire. Now, time is against them. They have only two days, or three at most, to get their payday out of the junkyard.

If you like your fiction hardcore, Anime-like, then Made in DNA has written another brilliant book that you'll devour. The third of his I've read.


Monday 7 September 2020

I'm Back

 Long time no see, fellas. I was able to restore this site and I've spent the last few hours upload books covers that had disappeared. I'm slowly getting them all back.  

Why come back after 6 years???? Well, I've been offered two books out of the blue asking for a review, one is from a press I know and the other is a new press to me. 

The two books are: THE HORROR ZINE'S BOOK OF GHOST STORIES -- Hellbound Books


Keep an eye out from them.

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Deets and video at the above site. 

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  New review site, bye Blogger: