Thursday, 23 October 2008

Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz -- reviewer Lee Pletzers

I closed the book at page 81. Need I say more?

I didn't think so. Koontz is hit and miss when he does first person. This is just my opinion, as I know millions loved the book. Then again, millions loved Odd Thomas, I stopped just after page 100. He killed the speed to abruptly in that book. In this one, there is too much telling and very little showing.

First person books are more telling than third person, this is just the way it is. But I found Life Expectancy to have too much 'reasoning' (basically hindsight) that the buzz, for me, was killed.

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PostSubject: Re: Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz 4th February 2007, 8:38 pm
Reply from Rowfy from my previous board:

Lee, what you missed in "Life Expectancy." The protagonist, as you
know, received 5 unlucky days. As it turns out he had three
attributable fathers and was born with a physical mutation that ruined
his life as an aerialist although he could have been a great one, and
he gave birth to what could be the greatest aerialist of all time that
could net him half a million dollars if he sold his kid to pure evil
which he didn't do thanks to his use of the dues ex machina which saved
him from bullets. My review: convoluted at best, but still worth
reading just because it's nice to know that a pastry chef can earn
enough to own a gorgeous home with lots of guns and kids and high
insurance rates. Koontz rules the school when it comes to the
probability of living a comfortable life. That's why I read him. I
think, "If he could do it, then so could I." And that is what escapism
is all about.

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