Saturday 16 January 2021

Prelude to World War III

Prelude to World War III: The Rise of the Islamic Republic and the Rebirth of America
by James Rosone and Miranda Watson

Amazon Audible.

If I were the kind of person to request a refund (like many Kindle users), I would be on the phone right this second. But, I'm not that kind of person. I live old school. When I buy a book, it's based on the description (blurb) and the cover. I don't care if a zillion other people love it or hated it. I'll make up my own mind. I have opinions. I post them on mostly books, recently audio books. 

The cover is excellent and the artist needs an award. Fantastic imagery. 

I only listened to an hour while at the gym before switching to another book. Maybe the reader was not the right choice especially when hoisting iron, or it could just be the reporter type style of the writers. It didn't feel like a story. I felt like I was back in high school History class listening to the teacher and starting to zone out. When lifting iron, it's a good idea to NOT zone out. 

What I listened to come across as logical, and yes, I could see the plot forming. But it is repetitive (I'm sure I heard the same sentences earlier) and I found little enjoyment in the first hour of listening. However, the beginning is done well and gripping enough to keep the reader/listener enthralled. It soon dulls down.



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