Monday, 22 October 2012

The Collector by Daniel I. Russell

  • File Size:
     584 KB
  • Print Length: 344 pages
  • Publisher: Dark Continents Publishing, Inc. (April 24, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B007XGVM1A

Note: e-Version passed on free for review. 

First off, I didn't realize this was a series until now (LOL) as I don't make a habit of reading a series until book two or three is out, especially if the series is interlocked like Game of Thrones. But in saying that this was a good first book. It set up the characters in a fun and interesting way, we learn about the three houses in this Cul-de-sac (is that a British or Kiwi word? Nope, it's a French stolen word. It means small dead end street and the people that reside there. We have the usual two hoods, teenagers who think they are the coolest and badest mothers in the world, and they love to score decent weed, rob old ladies and do a spot of breaking and entering. We also have the abused wife, husband has a bad day at work as a high school teacher, comes home and pounds the living daylights out of his wife's body, trying not to go for the face (keyword: trying). Then he takes off somewhere and returns the following evening, feeling much better and apologizing. And finally we have the old lady who lives at the end of the street, who has a thousand books, many on magic and hocus pocus. Her grandson worries about her living out here all by herself, and being very rich, he decides to bring granny home to live with him. 

One night an Earthquake happens, but only in the road and a tiny crack appears. It widens and pulling himself out, the Collector shows with his pet, Montgomery. From this point forward the book becomes kick-ass good. 

The start of the book is a tad slow as the characters are introduced and their stories told but even then the writing is crisp and the reader doesn't get bored with the drama slowly unfolding. But when the Collector makes a showing, looking for the Mana, the book kicks into high gear and you won't be able to shut off your eReader. 

This is the first of Daniel's books I've read and I'll be looking for book 2.
4 Stars

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